
User Guide for SecureNUS


SecureNUS is a CLI application that provides secure secret management for NUS students. It’s designed to be efficient and user-friendly, allowing users to securely store and manage passwords using a command-line interface.

With a focus on security, SecureNUS employs robust measures such as secret masking, storage, and user convenience.

Its CLI interface allows for fast and streamlined password management, making it an ideal solution for users who are comfortable typing commands.

In summary, SecureNUS offers a reliable and secure secret management solution for NUS students, addressing the challenge of managing multiple passwords for various sites and applications.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 installed on your computer. If not so, you can download from here.

  2. Download the latest SecureNUS.jar from here.

  3. Open a Command Prompt in your system which contains the JAR File.

  4. Verify if the Java Version you are using is Java 11 (recommended and tested version) by using java -version

  5. Using cd, navigate to the folder where SecureNUS.jar is stored in your system.

  6. Launch the application in the terminal after running java -jar SecureNUS.jar in the terminal.

    If the program is launched correctly, you can see the following.

  7. Type the command when prompted and press enter to execute it. e.g. typing menu and pressing menu will give an overview of all the user commands.
    Some example commands:
    • new sname f/fold: creates a new general secret with name sname in a folder called fold.
    • new o/CreditCard ccname f/ccfold: creates a secret for storing credit card details with the name ccname in ccfold folder.
    • list: List all the secrets typed by the user.
    • menu: List of command used in the program.
    • view pname: view the secrets stored under pname which is masked for security reasons.
    • search cc f/ccfold: search for entries in the ccfold folder which have cc in their name.
    • edit pname: edit the secret to another in pname.
    • exit: exit from the program.
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Feature List

  1. Note about Command Formats
  2. Add new Secret
    • Password Options
      • Basic Password
      • Credit Card
      • Crypto Wallet
      • NUSNet ID (e.g: e0123456)
      • NUS Student ID (e.g. A1234567B)
      • WiFi Password
  3. Delete a Secret
  4. List all Secrets
  5. View Masked Secret
  6. Search for a Secret
  7. Save Secrets
  8. Edit current secrets
  9. Menu for commands
  10. Exit
  11. Cancel current operation
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Feature Details

Note about the command format

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Add new Secret

Secret Option Format Details asked
Basic Password new SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • URL
  • Username
  • Password
Credit Card new o/CreditCard SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • Full Name
  • Credit Card Number (e.g. 1234 5678 9012 3456)
  • CVC Number
  • Expiry Date (MM/YY)
Crypto Wallet new o/Crypto SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • Username
  • Private Key
  • Seed Phrase
NUSNet ID (e.g.e0771234) new o/NUSNet SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • NUSNet
  • Password
Student ID (e.g A1234567B) new o/StudentID SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • Student ID
Wifi Password new o/WifiPassword SECRET_NAME [f/FOLDER_NAME]
  • Username
  • Password
Examples and Outputs:


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Delete a Secret

General Format: delete SECRET_NAME1 [SECRET_NAME2] […]
Examples and Outputs:

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List all Secrets

General Format: list [f/FOLDER_NAME]

Examples and Outputs:

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View Masked Secret

General Format: view SECRET_NAME
Examples and Outputs:

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Search Secrets

General Format: search SECRET_NAME_LIKE [f/FOLDER_NAME]
Examples and Outputs:

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Save Secrets

Important Note UI on re-running the JAR file Description
  • The secrets from the previous sessions are stored correctly.
  • The database.txt file is not corrupted.
  • The secrets from the previous sessions may not be stored correctly.
  • The database.txt file is corrupted.
General Format: save
Examples and Outputs:

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Edit Secrets

General Format: edit SECRET_NAME
Examples and Outputs:

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General Format: menu

Examples and Outputs:

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General Format: exit
Examples and Outputs:

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Cancel current operation

General Format: c/
Examples and Outputs:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does SecureNUS store my secrets?
A: SecureNUS stores your secrets in a structured format in the database.txt file located in the assets folder. The secrets are stored securely to ensure that your sensitive information is protected.

Q: What is the difference between a basic password and other password options?
A: A basic password is a simple password that only requires a password name and password value to be entered. Other password options provide additional fields for specific types of passwords, such as credit cards or NUSNet ID.

Q: What if I create a secret without a folder?
A: Secret will assign itself in an unnamed folder.

Q: What should I do if I forget my secret for SecureNUS?
A: You can use the list command to view the details of the all the secrets you stored. Do note that the sensitive information is masked to ensure security and can be viewed by using the view command.

Q: How can I ensure the security of my secrets in SecureNUS?
A: At SecureNUS, we strive to keep the secrets of the users secure. Keeping this in consideration, we mask sensitive information using asterisks when the user creates a new secret using new command or list the secrets using list command.

Q: Can I export my secrets stored in SecureNUS to another device?
A: Yes, you can export your secrets to another device by opening the same JAR file in another machine. Do ensure to save database.txt in the root directory’s assets/database.txt As a user, you can ensure the security of your secrets in SecureNUS by using strong and unique secrets, keeping your secrets private and secure, and regularly updating your secrets.

Q: Will all the key commands native to the command line work eg. Ctrl-C for program termination, Ctrl-V for paste, Up arrow to move to previous commands e.t.c.?
A: The functionality for the key operations differ between terminals and operating systems. To avoid any unknown errors and exceptions, users are requested to refrain from using the key shortcuts especially the Ctrl+C shortcut which may lead to termination of the program.

Q: I forgot to save before exiting. Are all my secrets lost?
A: SecureNUS realizes the importance of keeping the passwords safe and secure. So we ensure that the secrets added are stored conveniently.

Q: How can I report a bug or issue with SecureNUS?
A: You can report a bug or issue with SecureNUS by raising an issue in the issue tracker of the team’s Github Repo. Please attach the screenshots of the issues/bugs and the log files (assets/logFiles.txt) for us to better understand and trace the origin of the issue.
Alternatively, you can also contact the developers of SecureNUS.

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Command Summary

Action Format/Examples
Delete delete SECRET_NAME1 [SECRET_NAME2] [...]
List list [f/FOLDER_NAME]
Save save
Menu menu
Exit exit
Cancel c/
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